Our products cater for the basic healthcare needs of patients and help prevent serious disease. Our products include powders, syrup, tablets, capsules effervescent and more. The past few years Resmed has been working on unleashing competitive products into the public sector since it has been grounded on supplying the private sector up to now.
INTUNGWA INFANTS DIARRHOEA MIX exhibits intestinal adsorbent properties.
Intungwa Infants Diarrhoea Mixture should be used as adjunct to rest, fluids and appropriate diet in the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderately acute diarrhoea. This product is contra-indicated in intestinal obstruction.
The absorption of other agents from the gastro-intestinal tract can be reduced if administered concomitantly.
If the symptoms persist for longer than 48 hours or if the condition of the patient deteriorates, the product must be discontinued and a doctor consulted. In the treatment of diarrhoea it is important that hydration be maintained by administering adequate fluids and electrolytes.
For more information please consult the package insert.
Aspirin has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic actions. It inhibits platelet aggregation by inactivation of platelet cyclo-oxygenase, the enzyme that produces the cyclic endoperoxide precursor of thromboxane A2.
Indications related to inhibition of platelet aggregation: To reduce the risk of myocardial infarction in patients with unstable angina or in patients who have had a previous myocardial infarction. To reduce the risk of recurrent transient ischaemic attacks or stroke in men who have had transient ischaemia of the brain due to fibrin platelet emboli. To reduce the risk of graft occlusion following aorta coronary by-pass surgery.
Patients with a history of gastro-intestinal bleeding or perforation (PUBs) related to previous NSAIDs. Patients with active or a history of recurrent ulcer/haemorrhage/perforations. Patients with haemophilia. Intolerance (hypersensitivity) to aspirin. Severe renal or hepatic impairment. Heart failure. Patients receiving oral anti-coagulant therapy.
Intungwa Umuthi Wenyoni is used as an antacid, with the capability of neutralizing stomach acid.
This product is indicated where the use of an antacid is required.
It is contra-indicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. It should not be given to patients with metabolic or respiratory alkalosis, hypochlorhydria or hypocalcaemia.
This product must not be used if you are on a sodium-restricted diet, or suffer from hypertension or heart failure, except under the supervision of a doctor. Do not use this product if you have kidney disease, except under the advice and supervision of a doctor. May enhance the cardiac effects of digitalis glycosides. May interfere with the absorption of other medicines given concomitantly.
For more information please consult the package insert.
The active ingredient in Intungwa Children’s Diarrhoea Mixture is Bismuth Salicylate which has antibacterial (Bi3+) and local anti-inflammatory (salicylate) properties.
It is indicated for short-term use in the management of mild to moderate diarrhoea.
This product is contra-indicated in patients with sensitivity to bismuth or salicylates and in haemophilia or haemorrhagic disorders.
This product should not be used for more than 2 days, or in the presence of fever. Care must be taken when it is administered to children younger than 12 years because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome.
This product contains salicylate. Do not take this product with other salicylate-containing products such as aspirin, unless directed by a doctor. If you are taking a prescription product for anticoagulation, diabetes, gout or arthritis, do not take this product unless directed by a doctor. The product should be administered with care to patients with impaired renal or hepatic function, dyspepsia or lesions of the gastric mucosa.
For more information please consult the package insert.
Hushbaby Gripe Water is used to gain relief when babies little upsets occur. It is used to help baby at teething time, weaning time and whenever those little tummy upsets occur. Hushbaby Gripe Water relieves wind pain, promotes restful sleep and aids digestion.
It is generally recommended that potassium bicarbonate should not be administered to patients with metabolic or respiratory alkalosis, hypocalcaemia or hypochlorhydria.
Consult your doctor if there is no improvement after 24 hours. For more information please consult the package insert.
Flufight is an anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory analgesic.
FluFight is indicated in the treatment of headache, painful menstrual periods, toothache, fever, colds and influenza, and muscle and joint pain.
FluFight is contra-indicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients, hypersensitivity to aspirin, other salicylates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents or tartrazine dye. It is contra-indicated in patients prone to dyspepsia or those with peptic ulcers, haemorrhagic disorders such as haemophilia, thrombocytopenia or platelet function disorders, gout, asthma and patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy.
The use of FluFight in children or adolescents with chickenpox or influenza is contra-indicated.
It is not to be taken during the first or last three months of pregnancy unless prescribed by a doctor. For more information please consult the package insert.
Piperazine Citrate produces a paralysis of muscle in Ascaris resulting in the expulsion of the worm by peristalsis. It has been proposed that piperazine acts on Ascaris muscle by altering the permeability of the cell membrane to ions that are responsible for the maintenance of the resting potential.
The medicine causes hyperpolarization and suppression of spontaneous spike potentials with accompanying paralysis.
Will’s Milk of Magnesia is indicated as an antacid for the relief of acid indigestion, heartburn, hyperacidity, dyspepsia, gastritis, oesophageal reflux with heartburn, and peptic ulceration.
Nomor Lice Lotion is indicated for the treatment of head lice (pediculus humanus capitis). The use of NOMOR is confined to patients with a normal liver function.
Bili-Tone Mixture is indicated for the relief of occasional constipation, it promotes bowel movement by one or more direct actions on the intestine.
For the relief of stomach pains and wind, nervous conditions and sleeplessness.
The volatile principles of valerian, lavender and asafoetida exert a carminative action which relieves wind and stomach pains. Valerian has been used for nervous conditions.
Soluspirin has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic actions. It inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins.
Its active ingredient is aspirin which is effective for the relief of pain of mild to moderate intensity. It is indicated in a wide variety of febrile conditions. Soluspirin is contra-indicated in patients with peptic ulcer, haemophilia or intolerance (hypersensitivity) to aspirin, severe renal impairment and patients receiving oral anti-coagulant therapy.
Aspirin has been implicated in Reye’s syndrome, a rare but serious illness, in children and teenagers with chickenpox and influenza. A doctor should be consulted before aspirin is used in such patients.
Soluspirin tablets should be dissolved in water before administration.
Do not use continuously for more than 10 days without consulting your doctor.
Not to be taken during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy except under the advice and supervision of a medical doctor.
Excessive and prolonged use of this medicine may be dangerous.
For more information please consult the package insert.